Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Still Sick :-P

So nothing much has changed health wise since the last post. Still waiting for an appointment at Lelystad, and my huisarts still thinks CFS is a psychological disease. Bleh :-P

I had an appointment with my inburgering coordinator recently, and she'd heard about me having ME/CFS from the volunteer work coordinator, and seemed to know what it is and how badly it messes people up. We even had the meeting in the big room on the ground floor instead of trekking up the very steep stairs to one of the little rooms :-)

She told me about classes in Amersfoort, since traveling to Utrecht and back is way too much for me now. They looked alright, but I think traveling to classes at all right now is mostly pointless. Even taking one bus to volunteer work leaves me exhausted, and I literally do pretty much nothing for half an hour after arriving, except chatting and drinking water. I don't think I have the mental focus and processing speed after traveling that I'd need to process much of anything.

So I told her this, and asked about classes or tutoring online, but that's not an option with NWA. Though I think some other agencies in other cities might allow it. Not sure. But she is going to look into finding someone with some experience in teaching Dutch to the NT2-II level, which would be totally awesome if it happens. If not, it might just be someone coming by to help me practice my Dutch chatting.

Anyway, last month was very bad from a CFS standpoint. I've discovered one of the more lovely aspects of it, thought to be the primary contributor to the "fatigue" aspect. Basically varied circulation problems, causing blood pressure, pulse pressure, and heart rate irregularities, resulting in light-headedness. I went back to a much higher dose of B12, and it seems to be helping somewhat. Just needing to lay down once a day instead of every hour or two now :-)

I'm making good progress reading the first Dresden File in Dutch, still picking up a lot of words I think. I also want to start working on learning the word list for 5 year olds, to get my vocabulary into better shape. Very basic stuff that I just haven't come across before.

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