Friday, April 29, 2011

More Books

I've had a lot of free time lately and 0 energy for doing anything physical. So I've been reading when I get bored doing other silly stuff and have the mental focus to handle it!

DE SHUILKELDER by Tomas Ross (44 pages)
This is mostly in the present tense, but has a few pages in the past tense. The past tense words are the simpler verbs though, so it's quite readable even if you only know a little about past tenses. The title literally means "The Shelter Celler", but I guess we'd say "The Bombshelter". This is a short story, not a novel (and doesn't try to be a novel or feel like a shortened novel).

It felt like I was reading a Stephen King short story, which I think is a good thing :-P It had a similar dark and twisted aspect, and seemed very well-written, despite the linguistic constraints. This story left me wanting to read more by Thomas Ross.

It means "Detective Orhan and the Missing Girl". Another great read. I lucked out, getting two in a row! This one is more of a novel, and all in present tense, aside from characters talking about the past. I understood almost everything while reading it at B1 level.

The author is a Turkish born Dutchman. Almost all of the main characters are Turkish, but the chicks aren't stupid passive foreigners. It was refreshing after some of the books I read earlier :-P I think it was also interesting in that it briefly addressed cultural issues of non-Western immigrants and their Dutch-born children. And that basically they're just Dutch people that happen to have foreign grandparents and cousins.

The plot was good and interesting. Some parts were a bit unrealistic, like the detective running around with guns all the time and shooting up neighborhoods (and bad guys) without being noticed or caught. But overall a solid murder/disappearance mystery with a plausible yet non-obvious ending.

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